Learn the truth about shallow water blackout (Start here first)

Learn how to save your buddy's life if they blackout.

This equalizing course was the first online course I ever created. The second course I created was my freediving safety course.

I never liked the idea that the information on how to save your buddy's life if they blackout, and how to be safe in general, was hidden behind the paywall of an expensive freediving class. That's why I made it all free at www.FreedivingSafety.com.

In this course, you will learn how to save your buddy's life if they have a loss of motor control or a blackout on the surface.

It's not a substitute for taking an in-person freediving course, but it's a great start. It's free, and you can access the information immediately.

Dive safe out there, it's not even that hard, especially when you can learn for free at www.FreedivingSafety.com.

Ted Harty - your trusted online freediving resource

Thank for Ren and Ashley for the amazing footage of the blackou in the safety videot. They are excellent instructors and good friends of mine. You can find out more about them @ www.evolvefreediving.com

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