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Tired of your ear pain limiting your diving?
Freediving Safety: The truth about shallow water blackout.
Learn the truth about shallow water blackout (Start here first) (18:32)
Learn the nuts and bolts of the Frenzel method of equalization
Update to the equalizing course. (2:38)
Video #1: Welcome to Road Map to Frenzel. (1:47)
Video #1.5: Masterclass in the difference between Valsalva & Frenzel, and why Valsalva is so limiting to freedivers. (11:56)
Video #2 Are you using Valsalva or Frenzel? (8:20)
Video #3: My quickest ways to learn Frenzel; I call them 'shortcuts'. (5:32)
Video #4: Learn why shutting the throat is critical to Frenzel. (6:49)
Video #5: Learning the K-block and the T-block, the two most common tongue positions for Frenzel. (5:25)
Video #6: Learning the grouper call. (11:44)
Video #7: Moving air from your mouth to your nose. This is the most critical step. (12:57)
Video #8: Learn how to control your soft palate. (11:18)
Video #9: Putting it all together. This is the big one! (15:52)
Drills and troubleshooting
Video #10: How to get more power behind your Frenzel. (13:17)
VIdeo #11: Practice exercises to get you ready for diving. (6:22)
Video #12: Are you struggling to Frenzel while inverted? Explanation and exercises. (2:51)
Video #13: Are you struggling to Frenzel while in the water? Explanation and exercises. (9:34)
Bonus Material
The most common ear injury and how to avoid it. (7:26)
Excellent general ear clearing advice, (4:38)
How to prevent getting ear infections. (2:23)
How to stop your mask from fogging. (3:04)
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Brands I Believe In
Brands I Believe In
Intermediate Equalzilng Course for those need help between 70-130ft.
Now you have mastered Frenzel here is what you need to dive deeper.
Video #1.5: Masterclass in the difference between Valsalva & Frenzel, and why Valsalva is so limiting to freedivers.
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